For information on school closures due to the weather, please see the School, School Information link on the school website. Texts will also be sent for the latest information. Ashurst CE Aided Primary School welcomes Parents of prospective pupils - please contact School Office for appointments.

Team Ashurst

Mrs S Smith BA (Hons) RE & English, PGCE, CNPQH, DSL

EYFS & Key Stage 1 Teacher: 
Mrs T Clarke BA (Hons) Education & English, SEND Coordinator, DSL

Key Stage 2 Teachers: 

Mrs S Double (Y3/Y4) P/T  Mrs A Andrews (Y3/Y4 ) & SEND Support P/T 
Mrs K Sansbury DSL, (Y5/Y6) P/T, Mrs S McLarin (Y5/Y6) P/T & Mrs S Uff (Y5/Y6) P/T (currently on secondment)

School Business Manager:
Mrs L Welstead

School Office Administrator 
Mr J Julian

Teaching Assistants

Mrs N Cunningham

Mr J Fowler

Mrs J King

SEND Coordinator: 
Mrs T Clarke

Visiting Private Music Tuition:

Mr D Smith (Flute & Saxophone)


West Sussex Music Tuition:

Ms T Oberman (Guitar and Ukulele)

Cleaning Company:
Halls Cleaning Service Ltd

Education Area:
Ashurst School is in the Southern Area Education area of the Authority.


Designated Safeguarding Team for the school are Lead Mrs S Smith,  Mrs T Clarke & Mrs K Sansbury

Report Abuse - Please email Designated Safeguarding Leads directly on

Mrs Sarah Smith

Headteacher, Lead DSL

Mrs Tina Clarke

EYFS & KS1 Teacher, DSL, SEND Coordinator

Mrs Katy Sansbury

Y5 & Y6 Teacher, DSL, P/T

Mrs Sarah McLarin

Y5 & Y6 Teacher, P/T

Mrs Sue Uff

Y5 & Y6 Teacher P/T (currently on secondment)

Mrs Sally Double

Y3 & Y4 Teacher P/T

Mrs Andrea Andrews

Y3/Y4 & SEND Support Teacher P/T

Mrs Lindsey Welstead

School Business Manager

Mr James Julian

Office Administrator

Mrs Nicola Cunningham

Teaching Assistant

Mr John Fowler

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Joy King

Teaching Assistant